Audio Playing Through Mic
Play Soundboard Through Your Mike TutorialEver question wanna troll your buddies on Skype or trolling players in game? View this video as GrandSamson shows you how to enjoy soundboards through your mic.Video clip link:SWF Source Extractor:Soundboard resources:Foobar2000:-Games you wanna notice me playing? Suggést on the opinion section below.Who is usually in the video clip?Me(Great Samson):Facébook: www.facebook.cóm/GrandSamsonTwitter:Buy chéapest games on G2A:PEACEE YOWW!
Pc Audio Playing Through Mic

Game Audio Playing Through Mic
How to Play Sounds Over Skype Without Having to Put the Mic Up to the Speaker. Whatever the reason, you can play your computer’s audio through Skype with some quick settings modifications. Click “Save” to apply the changes. Once saved, all audio on your computer, including that of your microphone and open applications, will. May 26, 2015 1. Mess with your mic levels in control panel- manage audio devices- recording - properties- levels 2. Buy a 3.5mm to usb sound card and wire your kraken pro through that i have tried the first one and while it works it also makes your mic very quiet, looking at picking up a usb sound. Also when I've muted my microphone with the controller on the headset cord, my friends can still hear my music and not my voice. I also tried turning my headset sound right down to 0 via the headset controller and when playing music, the microphone shows transmitting on the control panel - sounds - recording. At max volume.